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Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School Visited ATI

Writer's picture: ATI CollegeATI College

Updated: Jan 9

It was a truly inspiring and delightful day as SM Tshung Tsin students had the opportunity to visit the renowned ATI College Pastry kitchen!

These young, eager learners stepped into a world of flour-dusted creativity and sugary wonders, where they got a glimpse of the dedication and artistry that goes into mastering the craft of pastry making.

The visit was a sensory adventure, filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked Cinnamon Rolls, the mesmerizing sight of decadent desserts being crafted with precision, and the thrill of watching our talented pastry instructors demonstrate professional techniques. Students learned about the science behind baking, the importance of attention to detail, and how passion fuels every delicious creation that comes out of our pastry program.

From hands-on experiences to witnessing the magic of chocolate tempering and delicate pastry assembly, the day was packed with opportunities for learning, engagement, and, of course, tasting some incredible treats. A massive thank you to SM Tshung Tsin for joining us and exploring the art of pastry. We hope this unforgettable experience has sparked a newfound interest and appreciation for the world of baking in these aspiring young minds.

Who knows? Perhaps some of them will be inspired to become the next generation of pastry chefs!

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Jan 05

مدينة الخبر، بموقعها الجغرافي المميز، تتعرض لظروف مناخية قاسية تؤثر على المباني، مثل درجات الحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة العالية. هذا يؤدي إلى استنزاف موارد الطاقة، وزيادة تكاليف الصيانة، وتدهور البنية التحتية مع مرور الوقت. لذا، يُعد عزل الفوم بالخبر أحد الحلول الأساسية التي توفر حماية فعالة من العوامل البيئية، مما يساهم في تحسين عمر المباني وكفاءتها.



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