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It is the policy of the College to: -

  • provide arrangements in relation to examination script viewing, examination mark rechecking, reviewing, and appeals concerning examination matters which ensure that they are dealt with fairly, transparently and in a timely way and which may involve, as necessary, wholly independent persons of appropriate knowledge and experience in the process.


  • consider all requests in relation to examination matters in accordance with the principles of legal academic justice.


  • This document relates to all examinations conducted by or on behalf of the College and is relevant to all registered students, including apprentice learners and staff of the College.


  • Recheck - means the administrative operation of checking and ensuring that all parts of the examination have been properly recorded and that no error occurred in the recording, collating or combining of marks which determined the result. This process is carried out by the internal examiner and Head of School or Department.

  • Appeal - means an appeal against the outcome of a recheck or review. The Examination Board will consider any matter referred to it by the Head of Academic in relation to any appeal, and an appeal can only be considered after completion of an internal recheck or review.

Overview of procedures

  • Students may bring to the attention of the relevant Head of School or Head of Academic any issues that they consider should be considered by the Board of Examiners at the formal examination board meeting. This process is initiated by returning the Examination Re-Check Application Form (ATI/600/F/12/01) available from the College's reception counter or download it from ATIC's website.​

  • The completed from must be submitted to the Head of Academic or Head of School within ten (10) working days after the official transcripts were made available to the students. Late submissions will not be entertained.


  • In the event of a student being dissatisfied with the examination result reported after a formal examination board meeting, they are advised to follow the following procedure. Any requests that digress from this procedure will not be considered by the College;


       (a) If they are not satisfied with the examination outcome they can discuss their dissatisfaction with the relevant Head of Academic

             or Head of School.

      (b) Request an appeal of the Examination result. This is initiated by returning the Examination Re-Check Application Form

             (ATI/600/F/12/01) to the Head of Academic or Head of School.

      (c) Appeal to the College's Examination Board. The outcome of the appeal is final within the College.

Application for Re-check

  • The candidate may apply for a recheck if they feel there is substantial variation between the reported mark for the final examination and the performance of a candidate in continuous assessment or in other subjects.


  • A request for a re-check must be received by the Head of Academic or Head of School on the Examination Re-Check Application Form (ATI/600/F/12/01) not later than two (2) weeks after the date of the exam result transcripts been released.


  • Only a written request for a re-check signed by the student will be considered.


  • The College will charge a fee of RM100.00 per subject, which must be included in the request for a re-check.


  • The College shall inform the student by telephoning them of the outcome of the re-check.

Application for an Appeal of Examination Re-Check / Review

  • A request for an examination appeal must clearly state the grounds on which it is requested.


  • The Head of Academic or Head of School will be asked for their opinion on the grounds on which an examination appeal is requested.


  • All requests for an examination appeal will be considered by the ATIC Examination Board. A request can be allowed or disallowed. If a request is disallowed, the student must be given a reason.

An examination's appeal may be granted where: -


  • Evidence is provided by the candidate of substantial variation between the result of candidate's performance in the final examination and the result of their performance in other subjects or in continuous assessment. A general request for a review of all subjects will not be granted unless in very exceptional circumstances.

  • If there is evidence of substantive irregularity in the conduct of the examination.

Students who have applied for this request, is strictly advised to not re-apply again for the current semester.

Membership of Examinations Appeals Committee

  • Head of Academic or neutral Head of School will act as Chairperson.


  • Four (4) members of the Examination Board and having regard to conflict of interest / previous involvement (if any) with result under review.

Application for Re-Check

  • The process of the recheck begins when the student has fill in the Examination Recheck Application Form (ATI/600/F/12/01). The form is available from ATIC reception counter or ATIC's website.


  • A fee of RM100.00 per subject shall be made payable for the recheck of examination results. The charge fee is non-refundable.


  • Once the form has been completed and the fee has been paid, the student must hand it in to the Head of Academic.


  • The Head of Academic will then pass it to the Examination Board for the rechecking and discretion process.


  • The Examinations Appeals Committee shall consider on the grounds on which an appeal is based, and shall, as appropriate, consult with such persons as it deems necessary. It may require, if deemed appropriate, that the script be re-marked by another examiner.


  • All decisions of the Examinations Appeals Committee shall be by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have a casting vote.


  • A decision on the mark from an Examinations Appeals Committee is final.


  • An examination appeal can result in the marks being changed up or down.


  • The College shall inform the student of the outcome of their appeal.


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© Copyright 2024 by Asian Tourism International College (New Co.No.: 199601043102 / 415455-K)

No. Perakuan Pendaftaran: DK225(S). All rights reserved.

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