Good ratio of IT workstations for students. The computer lab at ATI College is equipped with the latest information technology specifications to enable students to conduct their research and complete their assignments with ease.

Well-equipped kitchens for culinary and pastry skills training. In addition to that, ATI College also has its own fully equipped restaurant for the usage of Food and Beverages practical classes.
ATI College is continuously striving to equip its students with the most current and up-to-date facilities. This is to ensure that students will be comfortable and at the same time excel in their studies. Our campus provides students with a comprehensive list of features and facilities to cater to our students' learning needs and comfort during their years with us. We believe in creating an environment that is conducive for learning and development to compliment our programmes.
ATI College has one of the largest training kitchen facilities in Sabah offering culinary and pastry students an actual kitchen environment. There are four hot cooking kitchens, one pastry kitchen, and one chocolate and confectionery training room. All kitchens are fully equipped with kitchen utensils and equipment to ensure that students grasps the best kitchen skills during their studies before facing the real challenges when entering the industry.

Our lecture rooms provide the ideal environment for the learning experience. All lecture rooms are air-conditioned, well lit, comfortable and equipped with in house audio-visual technology that facilities effective teaching and learning.

In enhancing the quality of education, the library offers ample study areas and a well-stocked reference section. The library offers students the opportunity to continue un broadening their knowledge outside lecture rooms by providing them with the latest publications and ample selection of journals, magazines and periodicals.

Actual guest room to train students from the Diploma in Hotel Management in the skills such as cleaning a room among other housekeeping duties.